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The Benefits of Hormone Therapy in Managing Menopause


Hormones play a very vital part in the body. They carry messages into the different parts of the body, instructing these parts of the body to carry out a certain function. It is important therefore that the hormone levels in the body are balanced at all times. When the hormone levels are too high or too low, they disable the body from functioning correctly. In some instances, they can cause the body to develop certain diseases. An area of interest when it comes to hormone imbalance is menopause in women.


The estrogen and progesterone hormones are used by the body to stimulate and control the functions of the reproductive organ. They are produced in the ovaries. They stimulate ovulation and produce a conducive environment to ensure that the oocyte is fertilized in the body when intimacy takes place. After fertilization, they prohibit the ovaries from ovulating. They proceed to ensure that the pregnancy is protected and carried to term. The hormone estrogen is also responsible for the production of breast and stimulating of lactation in the female breast during pregnancy. As you can see these hormones have got very important functions in a female body.


When a female attains menopause, the levels of estrogen and progesterone are very low in the body. This eventually ensures that the female does not ovulate and therefore reproduction ceases to occur. This can happen at any time after the woman has attained the age of forty years. In some rare instances, it can happen before. Even though different women have different experiences during menopause, there are many common side effects that many of them experience during this period. For more details check this website here!


Many of them complain of hot flashes where their body suddenly becomes extremely hot for a short period of time but on a regular basis. These hot flashes cause anxiety, profuse sweating and a high heart rate in the affected person's body. Those on menopause equally suffer from lack of sleep and excessive sweating at night. Many of them experience dryness in their genitals. This further causes them to experience painful penetration during intercourse. They are generally frustrated by what is happening in their body and some of them may experience some depression. When these symptoms are too severe, some of them visit their doctor for a solution. To see page check this link here at


The doctor may recommend that they undertake a hormone therapy. The doctor introduces the estrogen and progesterone hormones in an artificial manner. He or she provides the patient with synthetic or bio-identical hormone therapy. This will bring the hormones to the required levels and reduce the side effects. Notably, it is not recommended for the patients to use these artificial hormones for a long period of time. This is because the hormone therapy may have severe side effects such as causing stroke, blood clots, and breast cancer when used for more than two years. Check this website to get more information about hormone therapy

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